Legal Framework

Government Code § 65302(a) requires that the Land Use Element designate the proposed general distribution, general location, and extent of land use in the county for housing, business, industry, and open space, including agriculture, natural resources, recreation and enjoyment of scenic beauty, education, public buildings and grounds, solid and liquid waste disposal facilities, and other categories of public and private uses of the land. In addition, the Land Use Element is required to include standards of population density and building intensity recommended for the territory covered by the plan, and to identify areas subject to flooding and areas zoned for timberland production (TPZ lands) and consider the impact of new growth on military readiness activities carried out on military bases, installations when designating land uses for land adjacent to military facilities, or underlying designated military aviation routes and airspace.


Each required issue is addressed in this element, to the extent that it is relevant in this context. Otherwise it is discussed in other elements as follows:

  • Distribution of housing, business, and industry (see the Housing and Land Use Sections of the MEA).
  • Distribution of open space, including agricultural lands (see the Land Use Section of the MEA).
  • Distribution of mineral resources and provisions for their continued availability (see the Mineral Resources Section of the MEA, and the Conservation/Open Space Element, "Mineral Resource Policies”).
  • Distribution of recreational facilities and opportunities (see the Outdoor Recreation Section of the MEA, and the Conservation/Open Space Element, "Outdoor Recreation Policies”).
  • Location of education facilities (see the Community Services and Facilities Section of the MEA).
  • Location of public buildings and grounds (see the Community Services and Facilities Section of the MEA).
  • Location of future solid and liquid waste facilities (also see the Community Services and Facilities Section of the MEA, and the Mono County Integrated Waste Management Plan)
  • Identification of areas subject to flooding (see the Flood Hazards Section of the MEA, and the Safety Element, "Flood Hazard Policies”).
  • Identification of existing Timberland Production Zone (TPZ) lands (currently, there is no TPZ land designated in Mono County).
  • Military Readiness (also see the Agency Relationships Section of the MEA).