Chapter 5: Action Element
Long-Range Systemwide Transportation Plan
The long-range systemwide transportation plan in Mono County over the 20-year time frame of this RTP will include the highway and roadway system, transit services, aviation facilities, and non-motorized facilities (generally recreational facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians). The existing highway and roadway system will continue to be the major component of the transportation system in the county due to the county’s isolation, topography, extreme weather conditions, small population, large distances between communities, large amounts of publicly owned land, and environmental constraints to developing additional facilities outside existing developed areas. Due to these factors, alternatives to the existing transportation system or development of alternative routes for highways and roadways during the 20-year time frame of this RTP is unlikely. The existing transportation system in the county (highway/roadway system, transit services, aviation facilities, non-motorized facilities) has been designed to accommodate increasing demand for those facilities and services over the 20-year time frame of this RTP. Demand for additional alternative methods of transportation or additional roads is not anticipated to occur over the 20-year time frame of this RTP given the constraints noted above.
The Eastern Sierra Transit Authority (ESTA) will continue to be an integral part of the transportation system. In the future, the use of transit will increase, particularly in community areas such as Mammoth Lakes and June Lake. Use of non-motorized facilities, such as bike and pedestrian trails, will also increase in the future, particularly in community areas and as additional moneys become available to improve such facilities.
Use of the Mammoth Yosemite Airport will increase in the future as operational and safety improvements are made at the facility and as the Town implements additional marketing efforts to increase use of the facility. Use of the Bryant Field airport in Bridgeport will remain the same. Use of the Lee Vining Airport could increase as efforts such as YARTS promote alternative modes of travel to the Yosemite region.
Corridor Preservation
US 395
US 395 is an interregional route, and will remain the major access to and through Mono County and the major transportation route in the area over the long-term 20-year time frame of this RTP. The primary needs for US 395 throughout Mono County are: safe winter access countywide; increased passing opportunities; adding adequate shoulders to US 395 to enable safe bike use; and the development of sufficient revenue sources to meet these needs. In community areas where US 395 is the “Main Street” for the community, there is a need to provide improvements to increase the livability of those communities.
US 6
US 6, from the Inyo County line north of Bishop to the Nevada state line, will continue to provide regional transportation connections and to serve as a trucking route between Southern California and the western mountain states (Washington, Idaho, Montana). Caltrans has identified the primary purpose of the route as interregional traffic (largely trucks). The route is currently a maintenance-only route with some improvements planned for the future as traffic volumes increase; however, future major development projects may have impacts. In community areas where US 6 is the “Main Street” for the community, there is a need to provide improvements to increase the livability of those communities.
Routes 120, 167, 182, 108 and 89
The remaining state highways in the county are two-lane minor arterials that provide interregional access east and west from US 395 to Nevada and seasonal access to the western side of the Sierra. The main concern on these routes is continued adequate maintenance, including timely road openings following winter closures.
Route 203
SR 203 provides access to the town of Mammoth Lakes (Main Street), MMSA, Minaret Summit (Madera County line), and summer access to Devils Postpile National Monument and Reds Meadow.
Previous Plan Accomplishments
The following progress has been made toward the implementation of policies and action items in the 2008 RTP:
- Following adoption of the Mono County Transit Plan, an Action Plan was developed for ESTA and funded by the Local Transportation Commission (LTC) for five years. The result was ESTA’s Short-Range Transit Plan. The LTC is currently cooperating with ESTA and the Inyo LTC to update this Short-Range Transit Plan.
- The County is continuing to fund the update and maintenance of its GIS for transportation planning purposes.
- In order to identify and quantify potential future rehabilitation projects on local road systems, both Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes have recently initiated pavement management systems.
- The LTC programmed a number of STIP projects, including state highway projects and local road projects. All of the identified MOU projects are close to completion. A number of STIP projects have been added into the RTIP, including projects with Inyokern and Caltrans and local road and sidewalk projects.
- The LTC continues to participate in YARTS, which has shown growing transit ridership and has expanded service to Tuolumne Meadows and Yosemite Valley from Mammoth Lakes, June Lake and Lee Vining. YARTS is considering expanding to provide service from Tuolumne Meadows to Fresno.
- The LTC participated with Caltrans in a US 395 Corridor Study and is starting to implement this with the Bridgeport Main Street project.
- Members of the LTC continue to coordinate pass-opening policies with Yosemite National Park and Caltrans. The LTC reviewed and commented on the Merced River Plan and Tuolumne River Plan to ensure transportation needs are met and is coordinating with Yosemite National Park on a Highway 120 overlay project.
- The County continues to update the Master Plans for the Lee Vining and Bryant Field (Bridgeport) airports.
- The Town has worked with the FAA to conduct environmental studies for potential expansion and improvements to Mammoth Yosemite Airport. The Town is currently completing the process of FAA approval for an updated Layout Plan for Mammoth Yosemite Airport.
- The County is implementing some components from the June Lake Loop Trails Plan and is updating that Plan.
- The County and Town continue efforts to implement pedestrian planning principles for county communities and to focus on the provision of Complete Streets components, utilizing funding through the Active Transportation Program.
- The County has programmed and completed several FAA projects for Bridgeport and Lee Vining airports.
- The LTC has continued its outreach process to ensure coordinated transportation planning with Native American communities in the county. The Town and County meet periodically with local tribes through the Collaborative Planning Team. Staff has also contacted the tribes to discuss their respective transportation issues for this RTP update.
- The LTC initiated a collaborative regional transportation planning process with Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino counties and Caltrans. Those entities have formalized an MOU to pool funds for high-priority STIP projects in the region. The LTC has recently revised the MOU with Kern, Inyo and SANDBAG.
- The County worked with Caltrans Districts 6, 8 and 9 to initiate improvements to US 395 between Interstate 15 and SR 58.
- The LTC collaborated with Inyo LTC and Kern COG for the development of the Eastern Sierra Regional Transit Plan and ESTA has now implemented transit service from Reno to Lancaster.
- The LTC continues to solicit input from community groups on transportation projects on the 395/14 corridor.
- The LTC continues to use Mono County’s Regional Planning Advisory Committees (RPACs) and other community planning groups, along with Planning Commission meetings, and the TOML Planning and Economic Development Commission, for outreach to local residents on transportation system needs and issues.
- The LTC continues to implement a variety of approaches to provide greater outreach to the Hispanic community, including a Hispanic working group for the Bridgeport Main Street Project, translating materials and notices into Spanish, and seeking input from the Hispanic community for unmet transit needs;
- The Eastern Sierra Transit Authority (ESTA) is now the sole transit provider in the county, other than specialized transit services provided by local social service agencies. ESTA operates fixed-route service from Reno to Lancaster, Dial-A-Ride services in local communities, local services in Mammoth Lakes including winter services under contract to MMSA base ski facilities, seasonal services to Reds Meadow, and employee shuttle services for Mammoth Mountain Ski Area.
- ESTA has concluded an initial performance audit and has initiated a second audit. As a result of the first audit, a roles and responsibility study was conducted to clarify the roles of ESTA, the Mono LTC, and the Inyo LTC.
- The LTC continues to work with local social services agencies to evaluate local transportation needs for the unmet transit needs process.
- ESTA continues to serve as the Coordinated Transit Service Agency (CTSA), enabling it to be a direct claimant for funds and to coordinate transit services with other providers in order to make connections.
- The Town of Mammoth Lakes is finalizing the update of its Draft Mobility Element; a draft version has been incorporated into the RTP.
- The Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway has been supplemented with community entry signs for additional interpretive amenities. The LTC has obtained funding to do a corridor management plan and application for National Scenic Byway Status for US 395.
- Mono County continues to enforce scenic highway protection standards for US 395 and SR 89.
- The Town of Mammoth Lakes completed a Snow Management and Parking District Analysis.
- Mono County has completed a county Bus Stop Master Plan, and ESTA is installing bus stops throughout the county.
- The Town has completed improvements to the Town pedestrian and bike systems (e.g., flashing pedestrian crosswalks and Safe Routes to School improvements).
- The Town has implemented transit improvements, including bus stops and a transit center at the Village. The Town is working with ESTA to develop a master plan for a transit facility and to implement components of that plan.
- The Town has completed a Pedestrian Master Plan, and has implemented a number of projects, including Safe Routes to School sidewalk improvements and a connector to Cerro Coso College.
- The Town has completed several bike path improvements including a paved multi-use trail from town to and within the Lakes Basin.
- In 2011, the Town worked with the Inyo National Forest and Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access to complete the Lakes Basin Special Study. The Town and Inyo National Forest are now working on implementing additional capital projects in the Lakes Basin area. The Town completed the Trails System Master Plan (TSMP), a comprehensive trails and public access plan that updates the Town’s 1991 Trails System Plan for the area within the town’s municipal boundary. The Town is now implementing components of that plan.
- The Town continues to work on improvements to signage and wayfinding. In 2011, the Town and the Inyo National Forest installed trail signs as part of the Lakes Basin Path project; the signs are consistent with the Trail System Signage Program jointly approved by the Town and the Inyo National Forest.
- The Town completed a Municipal Wayfinding Master Plan in 2012, which included a schematic design and master plan for signage and wayfinding within the town’s urban area. The plan is intended to integrate with the Trail System Signage Program, to direct visitors to public and private recreation, civic, commercial, and entertainment destinations.
- The LTC continued to work with Caltrans District 9 on regional and local planning issues.
- The LTC worked with Caltrans on a US 395 Origination and Destination Study for 2011.
- Noise readings on County roads were updated in 2013.
- A consultant has prepared a report suggesting new road standards for some County roads. The County will evaluate the proposed new standards as part of its review of its Fire Safe Standards.
- The County conducted a survey of available parking in June Lake, Lee Vining, and Bridgeport and developed updated parking regulations for historic commercial core areas in order to facilitate the orderly development of business districts.
- The County is currently implementing the 2012 RTIP, including components included in the MOU and components that address Complete Streets.
- The County, LTC and Caltrans completed a Community-Based Transportation Planning project for Bridgeport Main Street and implemented a street redesign consisting of lane reductions and the addition of on-street parking and bike lanes.
- Various Transportation Enhancement projects were completed, such as School Street Plaza in Bridgeport, and pedestrian improvements such as street trees in Lee Vining.
Plan Implementation & Review: Performance Measures
The following performance measures have been identified for the Mono County RTP.
Mono County RTP Performance Measures
Performance Measure: Transit Farebox Recovery Ratio.
Objective: Maintain farebox recovery ratios at or above 10%.
Measurement Data: Monthly farebox recovery ratios for Eastern Sierra Transit Authority.
Performance Indicator: Monthly reports provided by Eastern Sierra Transit Authority.
Performance Measure: Public Participation in Transportation Planning.
Objective: Maintain high levels of public participation in transportation planning process for state and local projects.
Measurement Data: Transportation planning/projects are reviewed by public prior to adoption.
Performance Indicator: Consensus occurs on majority of transportation planning/projects.
Performance Measure: Air Quality/Air Emissions.
Objective: Reduce auto emissions in Mammoth Lakes in accordance with the Mammoth Lakes Air Quality Plan and Particulate Emissions Regulations.
Measurement Data: Existing air quality data from GBUAPCD.
Performance Indicator: Air quality data from GBUAPCD.
Performance Measure: Environmental Protection and Enhancement.
Objective: Fully analyze environmental impacts, short-term and long-term, of transportation decisions. Avoid or mitigate impacts and implement environmental enhancements where possible.
Measurement Data: Environmental standards in local planning documents.
Performance Indicator: Environmental documentation required to meet state and federal standards is adopted by local planning entities.
Performance Measure: Airport Usage Data.
Objective: Expand accessibility to the airports in the county and increase usage at those airports.
Measurement Data: Airport usage data provided by FAA, Mono County Public Works Department, and Town of Mammoth Lakes Public Works Department.
Performance Indicator: Evaluation of the change in airport usage at time of the next RTP update.
Performance Measure: Ridership.
Objective: Expand ridership on all transit systems (interregional, regional, community, Dial-A-Ride).
Measurement Data: Ridership data provided by transit providers (Eastern Sierra Transit Authority, Yosemite Area Regional Transit system).
Performance Indicator: Evaluation of the change in ridership at time of the next RTP update.
Performance Measure: Mileage of non-motorized facilities and linkages provided between different segments of non-motorized facilities.
Objective: By 2025, the mileage of non-motorized facilities in the county should increase by 10%. Linkages should be developed between non-motorized facilities both within communities and between communities.
Measurement Data: Inventory of non-motorized facilities and linkages.
Performance Indicator: Updated mileage data for non-motorized facilities and linkages between those facilities.
8 Desired Outcome: Maintain Existing Infrastructure – Bridges and roadways in good condition
Performance Measure: Mileage of existing roadways and bridges in good condition under PMS/AMS – Pavement Condition Index
Objective: Roadways that fall below a PASER 5 should be scheduled for Preventative Maintenance System programming .
Measurement Data: Maintain roadways to not less than a PCI rating of five or greater
Performance Indicator: Update all pavement conditions via PMS/AMS every two years.
Performance Measure: Livable community design standards/projects for roads that serve as Main Street in communities.
Objective: Integrate livable community design standards into the transportation planning process and implement livable community design projects.
Measurement Data: Apply for funding to improve livability of communities through the Active Transportation Program and/or other funding sources.
Performance Indicator: Evaluation of number of livable community projects implemented by next update of the RTP.
Performance Measure: Resource-efficient design standards/projects for transportation system projects.
Objective: Integrate resource-efficient design standards into the transportation planning process and implement resource-efficient projects.
Measurement Data: Greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions, including indicators such as fuel consumption and vehicle miles traveled.
Performance Indicator: Evaluation of reduction in ghg emissions and/or related indicators compared to the 2010 baseline.
11 Desired Outcome: Reduce collisions between vehicles and wildlife
Performance Measure: Reduce reported vehicle/wildlife collisions.
Objective: Continue to research methods for reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions (DVC).
Measurement Data: Apply for funding to implement a demonstration project, and/or incorporate reduction methods into future transportation construction projects.
Performance Indicator: Evaluate number of potential projects during 2019 RTP update process.
Performance Measure: Increase the number of days mountain passes are open to the public for recreation and/or trans-sierra travel.
Objective: Continue to review and catalog the number of calendar days mountain passes and seasonal roads are open to the public, and collaborate with the National Park Service and Caltrans on operating procedures.
Measurement Data: Number of days seasonal roads are open, snowfall data, number of temporary road closures due to winter storms.
Performance Indicator: The number of days seasonal roads are open should show an inverse relationship to snowfall (e.g., with less snowfall, roads should be open longer). Temporary road closures and snowfall should track together (e.g. less snowfall should coincide with fewer temporary closures). Over time, performance improvements would be indicated by an increase in the number of days seasonal roads are open and/or fewer temporary closures for years with similar snowfall amounts.
Air Quality
Air Quality documents discussed throughout the RTP, including the Ozone Attainment Plan for Mono County, Air Quality Management Plan for the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Air Quality Management Plan and Redesignation Request for the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Particulate Emissions Regulations (Chapter 8.30 of the Town’s Municipal Code), and the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District – Regulation XII, Conformity to State Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects provide the regulatory framework and standards/measures for air quality performance.
Land Use/Airport Land Use
Land use development in Mono County is constrained by the lack of privately owned land and by the lack of existing infrastructure (roads, utilities, water/sewer) outside community areas. In addition, land use policies for community areas in the county (developed by the County’s citizens Regional Planning Advisory Committees, RPACs) focus on sustaining the livability and economic vitality of community areas. As a result, Mono County General Plan policies direct development to occur in and adjacent to existing community areas.
Many county residents do not work in the community in which they live. It is assumed that the separation between jobs and housing will continue, and will increase in the future due to the nature of the county's tourist-based economy. Traffic volumes will increase as this trend continues, particularly in the southern portion of the county (June Lake, Mammoth Lakes, Crowley Lake, Wheeler Crest).
Transportation strategies have been developed in conjunction with land use policies to focus development in and adjacent to already-developed community areas that are served by existing highway systems and to ensure that adequate capacity will exist in the future. Airport land use policies focus on land use compatibility and safety issues. The County’s draft Resource Efficiency Plan contains policies and programs that conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in order to supplement and enhance existing resource conservation policies and to develop sustainable communities.
Environmental Impacts
Mono County’s economy is dependent on natural resource-based recreation and tourism. Projects that detract from or degrade those natural resources are a concern. Environmental resources of special concern in relation to transportation planning and projects include scenic resources, wildlife and wildlife habitat, air quality, and noise.
Mono County communities and the LTC have been very proactive in seeking transportation improvements that enrich the livability of local communities. Mono County's tourist based economy can be enhanced by flexible highway designs, better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, additional parking facilities, reduced travel speeds, reduction of vehicle trips, and creating an environment that does not favor the automobile over other transportation modes.
Emergency Preparedness Planning
The Mono County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), developed by the Office of Emergency Services, outlines how emergency workers should respond to major emergencies within the county. It is a link in the chain connecting the detailed standard operating procedures of local public safety agencies to the broader state and federal disaster plans. It addresses potential transportation-related hazards, including potential hazards from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and transport of hazardous materials. It also addresses emergency preparedness and emergency response for the regional transportation system, including the identification of emergency routes. Alternative access routes in Mono County are limited primarily to the existing street and highway system due to the terrain and the large amount of publicly owned land. However, the County has developed alternative access routes for community areas that had limited access (i.e., North Shore Drive in June Lake, the Mammoth Scenic Loop north of Mammoth Lakes).
Resource Sharing & Public/Private Partnerships
Resource sharing, including public/private partnerships, is a priority for the Mono County LTC. The LTC continues to participate in several resource-sharing projects including: working with the CTC and Caltrans to MOU projects, including the commitment of funds to cover a multi-million dollar funding shortfall on Freeman Gulch four-lane; initiating a collaborative regional transportation planning process with Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino counties and Caltrans, including approval of a formal MOU to pool funds for high-priority STIP projects in the region; and working with the Town of Mammoth Lakes to initiate a pavement management system to assist in identifying future rehabilitation projects on local road systems.
Ongoing transportation-related public/private partnerships in the county include the partnership between the Town, County, Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, and nonprofit organizations such as Mammoth Lakes Tourism to market the airport and bring scheduled commercial jet air service to Mammoth Lakes.
Implementation Strategies
This section presents short-range (up to 10 years) and long-range (20 years and longer) action plans for the following components of the Mono County transportation system: highways, streets and roads, transit, interregional connections (goods movement), aviation, and multi-modal non-motorized facilities (bicycle and pedestrian trail systems). These are specific projects slated to implement the plan.
Caltrans remains responsible for the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the State Highway System. Proposed rehabilitation projects are listed in the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). The current adopted SHOPP for Mono County is shown in Appendix D. Regional transportation planning agencies, such as the Local Transportation Commission, are responsible for planning and implementing a wide range of transportation improvements, including state highways, grade separation, transportation system management projects, transportation demand management projects, local street and road projects, intermodal facilities, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) remains the key programming tool for these transportation improvements; the STIP process now includes programming for some project development and design.
The current adopted STIP for Mono County, the short-range highway improvement program, is shown in Appendix D, along with Caltrans' Interregional Improvement Program, the long-range highway improvement program. In the past, STIP projects have been confined to highway projects. With the passage of SB 45, STIP funds are now available for a variety of transportation improvement projects. As a result, although the STIP contains primarily highway projects, it also may contain projects on County and Town roads, as well as pedestrian and bikeway improvements, and transit projects. These are specific action items to be completed in the immediate future. General action plans, both short-term and long-term, for County and Town roads, aviation, pedestrian facilities, and bikeway facilities are contained elsewhere in this chapter.
Local Roadways
County Roadway Improvement Program – Short Term
The Mono County Short-Term Roadway Improvement Program focuses on addressing ongoing operations and maintenance needs for the Road Department (administration, operations and maintenance, snow removal, new equipment, and engineering). Roadway construction or rehabilitation projects are limited to those included in the STIP. Current STIP projects on Mono County roadways are identified in the STIP in Appendix D.
County Roadway Improvement Program – Long Term
The county Long-Term Roadway Improvement Program includes major rehabilitation projects to bring all County roads to structural adequacy within 20 years. The costs of such rehabilitation projects are estimates at this time, and these projects are identified in the county Pavement Management Program in Appendix D.
Town of Mammoth Lakes Roadway Improvement Program – Short Term
The Town of Mammoth Lakes' Short-Term Roadway Improvement Program also focuses on ongoing operations and maintenance needs. Roadway construction or rehabilitation projects are limited to those included in the STIP. Current STIP projects on Town roadways are identified in the STIP in Appendix D.
Town of Mammoth Lakes Roadway Improvement Program – Long Term
The town Long-Term Roadway Improvement Program focuses on rehabilitation and improvement of major roadways. The costs of such projects are estimates at this time, and these projects are identified in Appendix D.
The Eastern Sierra Transit Authority (ESTA) was formed on July 1, 2008, and completed its Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) in January 2009. The former Mono County Transit Plan was incorporated into ESTA’s SRTP, which now guides the development of public transportation services in Inyo and Mono counties for a five-year period in conjunction with the Inyo-Mono Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan and the annual unmet transit needs process. The overall purpose of the SRTP is to provide opportunities for public input into the future of public transit services in all areas of Inyo and Mono counties, establish goals and performance standards, document transit needs, provide service plan recommendations, establish a detailed operating and capital financial plan, and provide a comprehensive marketing plan. The plan addresses regional routes that provide access to communities throughout the county and to major recreational areas, as well as community routes that provide access throughout communities and to surrounding recreational areas.
The town Transit Plan and the Draft Mobility Element of the town General Plan contain policies targeted at increasing transit ridership and reducing automobile usage. Service improvements include contract services of winter transit services (peak period) for skiers and commuters, airport shuttle service, increased community transit services, year-round fixed-route services, and Dial-A-Ride services in Mammoth. Policies in the Transit Plan and Revised Transportation and Circulation Element also emphasize restricting automobile parking spaces in favor of expanding the existing transit system and direct ski lift-access facilities, and incorporating transit and pedestrian facilities into existing and future developments, in order to reduce vehicle trips and improve air quality.
Adopted general plans for Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes call for developing multi-modal transportation facilities (i.e., pedestrian areas and trails, direct ski-lift access, Nordic [cross country] skiing and bicycle trails) in concentrated resort areas. Public transportation would be integrated into future concentrated resort areas to provide access to and from the resort centers to outlying areas.
Interregional Connections
Proposed improvements to the regional highway system are outlined in the Short-Range and Long-Range Highway Improvement Programs. Proposed improvements are consistent with Caltrans District 9 Systems Planning Documents.
Mono County and the LTC participate in the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS), which provides shuttle service into Yosemite National Park from Mono County and other sites surrounding Yosemite National Park. Mono County contributes funding to YARTS annually.[17] The LTC participates in a collaborative regional transportation planning process with Kern, Inyo and San Bernardino counties to pool STIP funds for high-priority projects that will improve access from Southern California.
County Owned and Operated Airports
The Lee Vining and Bridgeport (Bryant Field) airports are owned and operated by the County. No long-range action program is planned for County airports due to the low level of usage at the Lee Vining and Bridgeport facilities. An increase in transient activity is expected at the Lee Vining Airport, however, due to a new emphasis on its proximity to Yosemite National Park. Short-range action plans for the Lee Vining Airport and Bryant Field in Bridgeport are provided by the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for each airport. The current CIP for each airport is included in Appendix D.
Town Owned and Operated Airport
The Mammoth Yosemite Airport is owned and operated by the Town of Mammoth Lakes. Extensive improvements are planned for the Mammoth Yosemite Airport to enable the airport to continue to support commercial aircraft service. The short-range action plan for the Mammoth Yosemite Airport is provided by the Mammoth Yosemite Airport Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The current CIP for the Mammoth Yosemite Airport is included in Appendix D.
Non-Motorized Facilities
Town of Mammoth Lakes Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
Plans for bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the town of Mammoth Lakes are addressed in the Mammoth Lakes Pedestrian Master Plan, the Mammoth Lakes Trail System Master Plan, the Mammoth Lakes Transit Plan, and the Municipal Wayfinding Master Plan, all of which are incorporated by reference in this RTP (see Chapter 1, Planning Process). These plans address linkages between bicycle, pedestrian, transit, parking, recreational and shopping facilities, as well as transportation-enhancement activities such as landscaping, artwork, information kiosks, etc.
County Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
Plans for bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the county are discussed in the Mono County Trails Plan and Bicycle Transportation Plan. The Bicycle Transportation Plan is incorporated by reference in this RTP (see Chapter 1, Planning Process), and the Trails Plan is integrated as an appendix. These plans discuss bicycle and pedestrian programs and facilities, bicycle and pedestrian interface with transit facilities, and transportation-enhancement activities. In concert with RTP policies, the linkages are addressed between bicycle, pedestrian, transit, parking, recreational and shopping facilities, as well as transportation-enhancement activities such as landscaping, artwork, electronic and sensor-triggered pedestrian or bicycle crossing signal systems, information kiosks, sidewalks, outdoor lighting, etc. RTP policies call for the provision of bike lanes as a component of rehabilitation projects on streets and highways.
[17] The FY 2014-15 contribution was $30,000.