Antelope Valley
GOAL 4. Provide for orderly growth in the Antelope Valley in a manner that retains the rural environment, and protects the area's scenic, recreational, agricultural, and natural resources.
Objective 4.A.
Guide future development to occur within the US 395 corridor and existing communities.
Policy 4.A.1. Discourage subdivisions into five parcels or more outside community areas. Remainder parcels do not count toward the five-parcel total.
Action 4.A.1.a. Designate land outside community areas and the US 395 corridor [1] for Agriculture or Resource Management.
Action 4.A.1.b. Maintain large minimum parcel sizes outside community areas and the US 395 corridor.
Action 4.A.1.c. Limit the type and intensity of development in flood plain areas.
Action 4.A.1.d. Prior to accepting a development application in potential wetland areas, require that the applicant obtain necessary permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Policy 4.A.2. Provide for a mix of residential, commercial, recreational, institutional, and industrial park land uses in a manner consistent with the overall goal for the Antelope Valley.
Action 4.A.2.a. Designate a sufficient amount of land to accommodate tourist and community commercial needs within existing community areas.
Action 4.A.2.b. Designate a sufficient amount of land to meet the housing and lodging needs of Antelope Valley's residents and visitors.
Action 4.A.2.c. Designate suitable lands for industrial park uses. Designated industrial park areas should be limited to community-serving industrial uses that will have no adverse environmental impacts. All industrial development must be compatible with surrounding land uses. Give consideration to landownership adjustments to consolidate such uses.
Policy 4.A.3. Along the US 395 corridor between existing communities, provide for limited development that is compatible with natural constraints and the Valley's scenic qualities.
Action 4.A.3.a. Maintain the large-lot residential nature of the US 395 corridor.
Policy 4.A.4. As a general goal, retain the existing privately owned land base in the Antelope Valley.
Policy 4.A.5. Encourage the use of alternative energy and communications innovations.
Policy 4.A.5.a. Mobile or satellite-based communication sources may be substituted for conventional land-based sources in satisfying land development conditions.
Parcels that will not have conventional land-based sources extended to the property shall have that information prominently noticed on the map.
All conventional communication lines subsequently installed shall be underground.
Policy 4.A.5.b. Alternative energy (e.g., solar, wind, water, etc.) systems may be substituted for conventional power in satisfying land development conditions.
Parcels that will not have conventional power lines extended to the property shall have that information prominently noticed on the map.
Policy 4.A.5.c. Proposed parcels that have existing street frontage with existing power lines along either side of that street frontage shall not be conditioned with bringing conventional power across the street or onto the property.
Objective 4.B.
Maintain the scenic, historic, [2] agricultural, and natural resource[3] values in the Valley.
Policy 4.B.1. Maintain and enhance scenic resources in the Antelope Valley.
Action 4.B.1.a. In order to protect and enhance important scenic resources and scenic highway corridors, designate such areas in the Antelope Valley for Open Space, Agriculture, or Resource Management.
Action 4.B.1.b. Inform private landowners with visually significant property that they have the option to grant or sell a conservation easement to a land conservation organization to protect the land as open space.
Action 4.B.1.c. Continue to use land use designations and subdivision regulations to preserve open space for scenic purposes.
Action 4.B.1.d. Conserve scenic corridors by maintaining and expanding large-lot land uses.
Policy 4.B.2. Preserve the agricultural lands and natural resource lands in the Antelope Valley.
Action 4.B.2.a. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for projects that may convert agricultural lands to other uses.
Action 4.B.2.b. Encourage agricultural land owners to utilize the property tax incentives for agricultural land provided for in the county Williamson Act program.
Action 4.B.2.c. Inform owners of critical wildlife habitat areas of the potential for open-space easements to protect such areas and of the potential for property tax adjustments.
Action 4.B.2.d. The Antelope Valley RPAC endorses the use of FEMA/County properties on North River Road and Meadow Lane as open space, without development of public improvemens and facilities until year 2041.
Policy 4.B.3. Work with appropriate agencies to manage water resources in a manner that protects natural, agricultural, and recreational resources in the Antelope Valley.
Action 4.B.3.a. Work with the Lahontan RWQCB and other appropriate agencies to require appropriate actions to ensure that future development does not degrade water quality or impair adequate water quantity in the area. Resources should be sought to provide suitable statistical benchmarks for refresh rates and other technical data for proper agency review.
Action 4.B.3.b. Work with the Walker River Irrigation District, adjacent Nevada counties, and other appropriate agencies in developing a water management plan for Topaz Reservoir.
Policy 4.B.4. Ensure that an adequate water supply exists for new development projects.
Action 4.B.4.a. As a condition of approval, require development projects to demonstrate that sufficient water exists to serve both domestic and fire flow needs and that use of the water will not deplete or degrade water supplies for wells within a 500’ radius (residential projects creating fewer than five parcels shall be exempt).
Policy 4.B.5. Work with appropriate agencies to manage fish and wildlife resources within the Antelope Valley.
Policy 4.B.6. Preserve rural character of lands within the Antelope Valley.
Action 4.B.6.a. Allow the storage of heavy equipment on parcels greater than five acres in the Antelope Valley for personal on-site use or community benefit.
Objective 4.C.
Maintain and enhance natural resource-based recreational opportunities in the Valley and the surrounding area.
Policy 4.C.1. Work with appropriate agencies to maintain or improve natural resource base needed for recreational opportunities in the Antelope Valley and vicinity.
Policy 4.C.2. Work with appropriate agencies to initiate recreational facility development in environmentally suitable areas.
Action 4.C.2.a. Work with the Walker River Irrigation District and other appropriate agencies to develop a recreation management plan for Topaz Lake. Potential issues to address in the plan include:
- Provision of a designated boat launch area to provide boat access within California; and
- Creation of restricted boating areas to provide protected water-bird nesting and rearing habitats at the south end of the reservoir.
Policy 4.C.3. Encourage Trail Easements in the Antelope Valley under the conditions that no coercive methods shall weigh upon project applicants to dedicate trail easements and that eminent domain will not be used to obtain trail easements. [4] “Combined” enjoyment among users such as hikers, bicyclists, off-road vehicles, equestrians and runners shall be encouraged where practical.
Objective 4.D.
Maintain and enhance the local economy.
Policy 4.D.1. Incubate home businesses:
Definition: A home business is any enterprise conducted by the resident of a parcel on which the enterprise is conducted.
Policy Assumption: Home businesses are to be allowed in the Antelope Valley on parcels over one acre in size, absent the determination of an actual nuisance (noise, odor, etc.). An actual field survey to determine size will not be necessary provided applicant provides a legal description, a subdivision map, Assessor’s Parcel Map or other similar documentation.
- Recognition that home businesses with business licenses are permitted in all residential and agricultural parcels.
Business licenses and nuisance code infraction, however, may be appealed for cause through the Code Enforcement process. [5]
- Construction and/or use of ancillary buildings for home businesses is/are allowed, but lot coverage and building setback limitations apply.
- Storage of materials for the use in the home business on site, and home business vehicle parking are both allowed, but not within building setback limitations.
- Materials used for the business may be stored in the open, but not within the building setback limitations.
- A non-illuminated sign (8 sq. ft. or less in area) describing the business is permitted. It must be on the home business parcel, not in the right of way.
- County health and safety ordinances apply.
Objective 4.E.
Promote the economic revitalization of the Walker and Coleville Main Street districts.
Policy 4.E.1. Work with local businesses and the community to develop a Main Street District identity that integrates existing business character into a distinctive core that invites investment and revitalization.
Action 4.E.1.a. Inventory Main Street assets, strengths, and limitations.
Action 4.E.1.b. Develop a Main Street Program that builds upon the strengths and assets to serve as a foundation for revitalization.
Action 4.E.1.c. Utilize grant funding for Main Street Program development.
Policy 4.E.2. Encourage district infill that improves connections and integration among businesses and improves the physical appearance of Walker and Coleville Main Streets.
Action 4.E.2.a. In development of a Main Street Program, assess and specify opportunities for business growth, infill and access improvements/connections.
Action 4.E.2.b. Based on the Main Street Program goals, consider adjustments to guidelines and regulations to better preserve district character and promote business sustainability.
Action 4.E.2.c. Specify actions for both public and private sectors to work together toward common goals and long-term success.